Objectification Stories Presentation

Erica Thomas’ project Objectification Stories reinvents the way we look at the museum space and how we in ourselves interact with it.


The artist asked exhibition goers to share their experiences about being objectified in a booth normally used to talk about objects. This footage was then fed live on a loop to a far away offsite location.

This project is particularly interesting to me as it presents different ideas about how to use space and live feed technology. Who is to say that my piece isn’t captured only during the time the exhibition is on? The whole piece could be live and instantly disappear as it happens. And is the participants webcam wasn’t live at the time of viewing it would simply mean that  they’re not presented at this time.

I think this is a really interesting concept and would take a lot of time and effort to pull off but it would break down the constructs of what makes a photography exhibition, especially if the work didn’t exist for some viewing time.

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